Argon Denims Limited
Nature of business
100% Export oriented manufacturing, dyeing & finishing
units of denims fabrics.
Reason for IPO
For Loan Repayment, Expansion of the Project &
Estimated IPO Expenses
Subscription open
26 Nov 2012
Subscription close
02 Dec 2012
Subscription close for NRB
26 Nov 2012
to 11 Dec 2012
Offer price
Tk. 35.0
Face value per share
Tk. 10.0
Market lot
200 units
Single lot price
Tk. 7000.0
Tk. 5.46 for the year ended December 31, 2011.
Tk. 20.71 (including revaluation reserve) as on
December 31, 2011.
Tk. 15.65 (excluding revaluation reserve) as on
December 31, 2011.
Public offer
Major product
The company has been set up to produce 100% Cotton
Denim fabrics for export.
Issue Manager
Lankabangla Investments Limited