Global Heavy Chemicals Limited

Nature of business To manufacture and distribute Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda), Chlorine and other chemical product.
Reason for IPO For Generator Procurement, Building &other Civil Construction, Pipe, Pipe Rack and Electrical Works and meet up Issue Cost including Tax on Premium.
Subscription open 09 Dec 2012
Subscription close 13 Dec 2012
Subscription close for NRB 09 Dec 2012 to 22 Dec 2012
Offer price Tk. 20.0
Face value per share Tk. 10.0
Market lot 250 units
Single lot price Tk. 5000.0
EPS The Company has reported EPS of Tk. 3.71 for the year ended on December 31, 2011.
NAV The Company has reported Net Assets Value Per Share is Tk. 54.43 (considering revaluation surplus) and Tk. 29.00 (without revaluation surplus) as on December 31, 2011.
Public offer 12,000,000
Major product Caustic Soda (Flakes)/ Caustic Soda (Liquid)
Issue Manager BMSL Investment Limited & AFC Capital Limited
